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Video Shows Israeli Soldier Shooting Handcuffed Palestinian Detainee

HeadlineJul 21, 2008

An Israeli human rights group has released a video showing an Israeli soldier shooting the leg of a blindfolded and handcuffed Palestinian man from close range. The Palestinian man was detained during protests against Israel’s West Bank wall. The video shows an Israeli army officer gripping a blindfolded and handcuffed Palestinian detainee, while another soldier aims a rifle towards his leg. B’Tselem’s Sarit Michaeli condemned the Israeli action.

Sarit Michaeli: “B’Tselem received this morning footage filmed in the village of Nilin approximately two weeks ago, showing an Israeli soldier firing a rubber-coated steal bullet at a Palestinian. The Palestinian has his hands tied behind his back and his eyes covered, and the soldier is firing at him from very close range, from approximately a meter and a half away. This whole event happens in the presence of a high-ranking officer, a lieutenant colonel.”

The Israeli military said the soldier involved in the shooting has been detained for questioning. An army statement said the incident is a “direct contradiction of IDF values and principles.”

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