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UN, Care Suspend Aid Delivery After Israeli Bombings

HeadlineJan 16, 2009

On Thursday, the UN again suspended aid delivery after the Israeli bombing of its Gaza headquarters. The attack set fire to warehouses storing direly needed aid. Hundreds of Palestinians were taking shelter there at the time. Three UN employees were injured. It was the second time the UN had suspended its Gaza aid because of an Israeli attack on its workers and facilities. UNRWA official Judy Clark said all the agency’s food and medicine has been destroyed in the latest bombing.

Judy Clark: “A very unfortunate situation here in the UN compound in Gaza. Our warehouses have been hit by some type of explosive and have caught alight. The fire has spread from the workshops by the oil and spread to the warehouses. One by one, the warehouses are going up. We’re now trying to build a buffer zone between the warehouses and the offices to try and stop the offices. We’ve lost all our food and all our medicine to this fire.”

Another humanitarian group, CARE International, also announced a suspension of aid delivery following Israeli bombings near its Gaza City sites.

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