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UN General Assembly Calls for Lifting Cuba Embargo

HeadlineOct 29, 2009

The UN General Assembly has voted to call for an end to the US embargo on Cuba for the eighteenth consecutive year. The non-binding measure drew support from 187 countries, with the US joined only by Israel and Palau in opposition. Addressing the assembly before the vote, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parilla criticized the Obama administration for extending the embargo.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parilla: “Since the election of President Obama, there has not been any change in the implementation of the economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba. The blockade remains intact. It continues to be an absurd policy that causes scarcities and suffering. It is a mass, flagrant and systematic violation of human rights. The international community cannot nor should not accept that those who govern in Washington feel they have the authority to implement coercive economic measures and extraterritorial laws against sovereign states.”

After Parilla spoke, the US ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, defended the Obama administration’s support for continuing the embargo.

US Ambassador Susan Rice: “It is erroneous to charge that US sanctions are the cause of deprivation among the Cuban people. The US maintains no restriction on humanitarian aid to Cuba. In fact, the US is a major source of humanitarian assistance to the Cuban people and the largest provider of food to Cuba…Mr. President, because it does not reflect current realities, my delegation will vote against this resolution. At the same time, the United States will continue to work to expand opportunities for the people of Cuba to empower themselves through access to information and resources.”

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