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Palestinians Threaten to Form Independent State

HeadlineNov 17, 2009

In international news. Palestinian officials are coming under increasing pressure to back down from its threat to ask the United National Security Council to recognize Palestine as an independent state. The idea of seeking UN intervention has been gaining steam in the Arab world due to the current impasse in peace negotiations with Israel.

Saeb Erekat, chief Palestinian negotiator: “The declaration of independence took place in 1988, and now it’s not the time for Palestinians to make more unilateral declarations. It is time to create the Palestinian independent state. The key here is the Security Council, for the Security Council to recognize the Palestinian state on the borders of the 4th of June 1967 and its capital East Jerusalem.”

Last night the US State Department issued a statement opposing the Palestinian proposal: “It is our strong belief and conviction that the best means to achieve the common goal of a contiguous and viable Palestine is through negotiations between the parties.”

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