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General Assembly to Endorse Goldstone Report

HeadlineNov 05, 2009

The United Nations General Assembly is expected to endorse a UN inquiry that found Israel committed war crimes in its assault on the Gaza Strip. Headed by the South African jurist Richard Goldstone, the inquiry also accused Hamas of war crimes and urged both sides to investigate the charges or face international prosecution. On Wednesday, the General Assembly opened debate on a non-binding measure to endorse the report. The Palestinian representative to the UN, Riyad Mansour, said the General Assembly’s endorsement would help bring justice to Palestinian victims of the Israeli attack on Gaza.

Riyad Mansour: “There is no doubt that the Human Rights Council’s endorsement of the Goldstone report and its recommendations constitute a significant step towards ending the insidious culture of impunity that has for so long prevailed and towards ensuring accountability for the perpetration of crimes and ensuring justice for the Palestinian people, who have for too long suffered the grave injustice inflicted upon them.”

The General Assembly debate came one day after the House passed a non-binding measure condemning the Goldstone report and urging the Obama administration to oppose it in any international setting. The New York Times reports the measure is likely to face opposition at the Security Council not just from the United States, but from other permanent members concerned with establishing its findings as a precedent for conduct in occupied areas, including China in Tibet and Russia in Chechnya.

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