A health organization that once focused on providing healthcare to isolated communities in the developing world is now focusing on providing free care for the millions of uninsured in the United States. The Tennessee-based Remote Area Medical group sets up makeshift exam rooms across the country. This weekend a team of volunteer doctors and nurses is heading to Pike County in Kentucky.
Stan Brock, founder of Remote Area Medical: “It’s not only the homeless and the unemployed, but it’s also the underinsured and the uninsured. In other words, people that have jobs and may have some insurance, but it simply doesn’t cover the tremendous cost of healthcare in this country.”
During a recent two-day clinic in Tennessee, doctors saw over 800 patients.
Stan Brock: “Oh, I’d love to see the time when Remote Area Medical can go back to places where we really belong, such as Haiti, the Dominican Republic and parts of Africa. I mean, I designed the program for those purposes, and here we are now for many years locked down here in the United States because the need here is so great.”