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GOP Won’t Fillibuster Sotomayor Confirmation Vote

HeadlineJul 17, 2009

Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor appears headed to a speedy confirmation after her last day of questioning on Capitol Hill. On Thursday, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Jeff Sessions, said he won’t try to filibuster a vote on Sotomayor’s nomination. During her closing remarks, Sotomayor said her judicial record in untainted by personal views.

Judge Sonia Sotomayor: “I would tell them to look at my decisions for seventeen years and note that in everyone of them I have done what I say that I so firmly believe in: I prove my fidelity to the law, the fact that I do not permit personal views, sympathies or prejudices to influence the outcome of cases.”

A full Senate vote on Sotomayor’s nomination is expected to come early next month.

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