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Armed Protesters Attend Anti-Obama Rally in Phoenix

HeadlineAug 18, 2009

In news from this country, gun control advocates have expressed concern over the growing number of armed protesters attending town hall meetings and speeches by President Obama. On Monday, police in Phoenix reported at least a dozen protesters were carrying arms near a convention hall where President Obama spoke. At least one man had an AR-15 semiautomatic assault rifle slung over his shoulder. Police made no arrests, citing a state law that allows people to carry unconcealed guns. On August 11, police arrested a man for having a loaded, unlicensed gun in his car near a New Hampshire school where Obama later held a healthcare forum. In a separate incident, another man outside that same event displayed a gun in a holster on his leg. Protesters also brought guns to recent town hall meetings on healthcare in Tennessee and Arizona. On Monday, Republican Congressman Phil Gingrey appeared on Hardball with Chris Matthews and defended the right of protesters to be armed.

Rep. Gingrey: “Well, Chris, they may have every right to do that. These may be” —

Matthews: “And we know that.”

Gingrey: — “off-duty police officers. They could — well, you don’t know. But if they’ve got a permit to carry, then absolutely, they can show that and prove that they have the right.”

Matthews: “But why would you bring a gun” —

Gingrey: “If they’re coming into a school, they might” —

Matthews: — “to where the President was speaking? Why would you bring a gun — anybody — I know it`s a right. But why would you do it? Under what conditions would you choose to use it?…I’ve never seen this in my life before, people coming armed to public debates about healthcare?”

Gingrey: “Chris, it just so happens these very people would take that same weapon anywhere they go, anywhere where they’re permitted to carry a concealed weapon. They have the right to do that, and I agree with Jim.”

Matthews: “They`re not concealed.”

Gingrey: “The right under the Second Amendment…”

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