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Scotland Frees Libyan Jailed for Lockerbie Bombing

HeadlineAug 21, 2009

The Scottish government has released a Libyan agent who was jailed for the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie. Abdel al-Megrahi was the lone suspect convicted for the attack, which killed 270 people, including 189 Americans. Scotland ordered his release on compassionate grounds because he has terminal cancer. President Obama said the US opposes the move.

President Obama: “We have been in contact with the Scottish government indicating that we objected to this and we thought it was a mistake. We’re now in contact with the Libyan government and want to make sure that, if in fact this transfer has taken place, that he is not welcomed back in some way, but instead should be under house arrest.”

Megrahi returned to Libya on Thursday. In a statement read by his attorney, Megrahi maintained his innocence.

Tony Kelly: “I had most to gain and nothing to lose about the whole truth coming out, until my diagnosis of cancer. To those victims’ relatives who can bear to hear me say this, they continue to have my sincere sympathy for their unimaginable loss that they have suffered. To those who bear me ill will, the only thing I can say is that I do not return that to you.”

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