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Yes Men Unveil Global Warming “Survivaball”

HeadlineSep 23, 2009

And in New York, the corporate pranksters the Yes Men held a news conference Tuesday to unveil their fake climate change product known as the Survivaball.

Mike Bonanno: “What you’re seeing here are Survivaballs, and they are self-contained units that will allow somebody to survive no matter what happens to the climate. So, basically, they, in the future, will contain all of these survival systems that are going to allow these people to live, even if everybody else out there dies.”

Andy Bichlbaum: “They can survive six months of drought, Category 4 hurricanes, any kind of tornado.”

Yes Men member Andy Bichlbaum stressed the Survivaball’s importance in the lead-up to the Copenhagen talks on climate change.

Andy Bichlbaum: “It’s a scenic, mediagenic way to call attention to what our leaders need to do in the run-up to Copenhagen. The US is far behind everybody else in the world. We need to get our act together and actually institute civilized limits on carbon emissions the way the rest of the world has done. And these balls are part of the effort to draw attention to that.”

Bichlbaum was later arrested by police on charges apparently stemming from an old bicycle fine. The action came one day after the Yes Men distributed thousands of copies of a fake edition of the New York Post focused on the climate change crisis.

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