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Greenpeace Unfurls Protest Banner on Pittsburgh Bridge

HeadlineSep 24, 2009

The UN General Assembly is followed by today’s opening of the G-20 summit in Pittsburgh. On Wednesday, activists with the environmental group Greenpeace rappelled off the West End Bridge to unfurl a banner reading: “Danger, Climate Destruction Ahead. Reduce CO2 Emissions Now.” Four of the activists dangled over the Ohio River so the banner could be seen in full view. They were arrested along with five others. Greenpeace media coordinator Mike Crocker said world leaders should be pressured to curb global warming.

Mike Crocker: “It worked out well. And it’s good timing, because the G-20 starts tomorrow, and this is exactly the kind of measures they need to see before the meetings begin.”

The Greenpeace protest was among several actions and events leading up to the G-20 summit. On Thursday, artist and activist Kehben Grifter of the Beehive Collective spoke outside a concert and rally for Clean Energy Jobs.

Kehben Grifter: “What we’re here doing this week is distributing our work and trying to talk to people about coal and climate change and globalization. And unfortunately, it seems like a lot of folks aren’t turning out for these sort of mobilizations as much anymore. Maybe they’re depressed, maybe they’re cynical, maybe they’ve still got Obamaitis. We’re on the outside here. There’s like this huge arena and tons of space where they thought lots of people who might care might show up, and we’re on the outside of it with cops harassing us, because that’s what happens usually at events like this.”

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