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Texan GOP Candidate: Violent Revolution Might Be Needed in US

HeadlineOct 25, 2010

In news from Texas, a Republican congressional candidate has told a local TV station that a violent revolution might be needed if Republicans do not win control of Congress in next month’s election. Stephen Broden, a Christian minister, made the remark in an interview with WFAA in Dallas.

Stephen Broden: “Our nation was founded on violence.”

Interviewer: “In 2010 you would urge that as an option, though?”

Stephen Broden: “The option is on the table. I don’t think that we should ever remove anything from the table as it relates to our liberties and our freedoms.”

Stephen Broden is attempting to unseat Democratic Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson. The Dallas Morning News had officially endorsed Broden, but the paper took the unusual step this weekend of withdrawing the endorsement following his remarks about violent revolution. Broden’s national profile has been rising in recent years thanks to his frequent appearances on the Glenn Beck Show on Fox News.

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