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White House Predicts Passage of Healthcare Bill

HeadlineMar 15, 2010

White House officials are predicting House Democrats will secure enough votes to pass the healthcare reform bill later this week. White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod appeared on Meet the Press on Sunday.

David Axelrod: “I think there is a determination on the part of members of Congress, after a yearlong debate in which Republican ideas and Democratic ideas were incorporated into this legislation, the best thinking of both parties, that it’s time to bring this to a close.”

David Gregory: “And you’re going to get it passed?”

David Axelrod: “I’m confident.”

Despite David Axelrod’s optimistic statement, House Majority Whip James Clyburn cautioned that the Democrats have not yet found the 216 votes needed to win approval of the healthcare bill. Some progressive Democrats are disappointed about the lack of a public insurance option, while conservative Democrats object to abortion-related language in the bill. Over the weekend, a group representing Catholic hospitals came out in support of the healthcare bill in a move that could help persuade anti-choice lawmakers to provide critical votes in the House for the overhaul.

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