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Healthcare Bill Gets Boost as 2 Dems Pledge Support

HeadlineMar 18, 2010

The House Democratic leadership is approaching the votes needed to pass its massive healthcare reform bill. The measure gathered momentum on Wednesday when Democratic Congress member Dennis Kucinich of Ohio announced he would switch his vote and support the legislation even though it wouldn’t create a public option. At a Washington news conference, Kucinich said he is supporting the bill despite disagreeing with its contents.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich: “In the past week it’s become clear that the vote on the final health bill will be very close. I take this vote with the utmost seriousness. I have doubts about the bill. I do not think it is a step toward anything I’ve supported in the past. This is not the bill I wanted to support, even as I continue efforts until the last minute to try to modify the bill.”

In another win for the White House and Democratic leaders, Congress member Dale Kildee of Michigan, an anti-abortion Democrat, also said he will vote for the bill. His backing came as a group representing 59,000 Catholic nuns also endorsed the legislation, saying its anti-abortion provisions were robust enough to support. The Democratic leadership is hoping the nuns’ backing will give political cover to anti-abortion Democrats still unsure of their vote. In Washington, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she remains confident Democrats will have enough votes.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “Good afternoon. And a great afternoon it is, isn’t it, on this St. Patrick’s Day. Here we are in this beautiful weather, perfect climate for us to pass a wonderful bill to expand opportunity for access to healthcare and education in our country.”

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