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McCain: “Pull the Trigger” on Iran Sanctions

HeadlineApr 15, 2010

At the United Nations, talks have resumed between the five permanent Security Council members on a new round of sanctions against Iran. A closed-door session was held Wednesday between diplomats from the US, Russia, China, Britain and France, as well as Germany. The talks came as top military officials appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee for a hearing on Iran’s nuclear activities. The officials said the Pentagon believes Iran could produce enough weapons-grade enriched uranium within a year, but would need another three to five years to produce a deliverable weapon. In his opening remarks, Republican Senator John McCain said the US should “pull the trigger” on sanctioning Iran.

Sen. John McCain: “The list goes on and on of the threats we have — that we have made to the Iranians, and so far, no action. George Shultz, my favorite Secretary of State in all the world, once said his Marine drill instructor told him never point a gun at somebody unless you’re ready to pull the trigger. We keep pointing the gun. We haven’t pulled a single trigger yet. And it’s about time that we did.”

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