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Report: Blumenthal Falsely Claimed to Have Served in Vietnam

HeadlineMay 18, 2010

And the New York Times is reporting Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal has falsely claimed on numerous occasions to have served in Vietnam. The New York Times cited Blumenthal’s remarks in a number of public appearances, including this speech from March 2008.

Richard Blumenthal: “We have learned something very important since the days that I served in Vietnam. And you exemplify it. Whatever we think about the war, whatever we call it — Afghanistan or Iraq — we owe our military men and women unconditional support.”

Blumenthal has made the claim despite receiving at least five military deferments during the Vietnam War. The disclosure could threaten Blumenthal’s bid for the Senate seat being vacated by Connecticut Democrat Chris Dodd. Blumenthal’s campaign has said he misspoke in claiming to have served in Vietnam, but blamed Republicans for the report, which it called an “outrageous distortion.”

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