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Palestinians Continue Boycott of Israeli Settlement Goods

HeadlineMay 21, 2010

In Israel and the Occupied Territories, the Israeli government is pressuring the Palestinian Authority to call off a boycott of West Bank settlements. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas signed an order last month barring Palestinians from working in Israeli settlements and selling settlement products. On Thursday, Israeli Trade and Labor Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer called for an end to the boycott, saying it goes against “the atmosphere we are trying to create in our region.” But on the West Bank, Palestinian organizer Haitham Kayaleh was one of thousands of Palestinians taking part in a campaign to inform the public on which goods to boycott.

Haitham Kayaleh: “What is happening today is Palestinian grassroots volunteers, around 3,000 today who are leading this campaign, going around from house to house providing people with the information needed that would help them get rid of settlement products, and they encourage them, of course, to replace it with Palestinian products instead.”

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