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Gibbs: Critics of Bush-Like Obama Policies Should Be “Drug Tested”

HeadlineAug 11, 2010

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has sparked a controversy after making dismissive comments about progressive critics of President Obama. In an interview with the newspaper The Hill, Gibbs said critics who liken some of Obama’s policies to those of former President George W. Bush should be “drug tested.” Gibbs went on to blast what he called “the professional left,” saying, “They will be satisfied when we have Canadian healthcare and we’ve eliminated the Pentagon. That’s not reality.” In a statement, Gibbs declined to retract his comments, but acknowledged his comments may have been “inartful” toward those “frustrated that the change we want hasn’t come fast enough for many Americans.” In an interview with the Huffington Post, Democratic Congress member Keith Ellison of Minnesota said he supports calls for Gibbs’s resignation.

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