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Palestinian Leaders Call for Leak Probe

HeadlineJan 25, 2011

The details of the stance on refugees follow the news Palestinian negotiators offered Israel the annexation of large tracts of West Bank land, including East Jerusalem. The Palestinian Authority has denounced the papers’ release and denied making sweeping concessions to Israel. On Monday, Palestinian Liberation Organization chair Yasser Abed Rabbo called for an investigation into the papers and denied the reports on giving up East Jerusalem.

Yasser Abed Rabbo: “I call upon, in the name of the Palestinian leadership, Palestinian and independent institutes of research and study to immediately create a committee to study these documents and to find out whether they are true or not true. Nothing regarding East Jerusalem has been put forth which goes beyond the position which Abu Mazen told Olmert, once, twice and ten times: East Jerusalem is ours based on the 1967 borders.”

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