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Cain Sexual Harassment Controversy Gets Brief Mention at GOP Debate

HeadlineNov 10, 2011

Republican presidential candidates gathered in Michigan last night for the latest in a series of nationally televised debates. The sexual harassment allegations against Herman Cain received only a brief mention, with the crowd booing when Cain was asked to address them. Cain called the allegations “unfounded.”

Herman Cain: “The American people deserve better than someone being tried in the court of public opinion based on unfounded accusations. That’s what that’s about. They don’t care about the character assassination; they care about leadership and getting this economy growing and all of the others problems we face.”

Despite the harassment controversy, Cain later made disparaging remarks about former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Herman Cain: “In the previous Congress, it was H.R. 3400, and what that does, it’s already been written. We didn’t hear about it in the previous Congress, because Princess Nancy sent it to committee, and it stayed there.”

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