Occupy Wall Street protesters have returned to Zuccotti Park, but without the camping gear that was dismantled and seized during Tuesday’s early morning raid. The protesters are now banned from bringing in backpacks, tents and sleeping bags after a judge ruled in favor of a move by city officials to ban camping in the park.
Protester 1: “I think what we’re showing here is that we’re resilient, we’re going to persevere, and no matter what court ruling comes out or what Mayor Bloomberg and his billionaire friends may say about us, our message of economic justice and democracy is resonating with a wide sector of society.”
Protester 2: “This does not feel like a victory to me at all. I have been fighting here for 17 hours straight, since two in the morning today. It is now seven o’clock, and I’ve been here all day. I barely got a chance to sit down, eat a good meal, get some—I’m so thirsty right now, and I can’t even go inside, because I have a backpack.”