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Repeal of Ohio Anti-Union Law Tops Election Day Results

HeadlineNov 09, 2011

Advocates for labor, women’s and immigration rights are celebrating a number of key victories in Tuesday’s state elections. In Ohio, voters defeated Republican Gov. John Kasich’s controversial limits on the collective bargaining rights of state employees. The issue came to a vote after a group collected 1.3 million signatures to place it on the ballot. Meanwhile, in Arizona, the architect of the state’s controversial anti-immigration law has lost his state senate seat in an unprecedented recall vote. Russell Pearce wrote Senate Bill 1070, which forces police to investigate the immigration status of people they have lawfully detained. In Mississippi, voters have rejected a far-reaching and stringent anti-abortion initiative known as the “personhood” amendment, that would have conferred rights on an embryo from the moment of conception. Meanwhile, in Maine, voters have defeated a Republican measure that barred same-day voter registration on election day.

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