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Congress Applauds Netanyahu for Rejecting 1967 Borders

HeadlineMay 25, 2011

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared before Congress Tuesday to press his rejection of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders. Netanyahu repeated his stance that Israel will retain the large settlement blocs that carve up the West Bank.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: “In any real peace agreement, in any peace agreement that ends the conflict, some settlements will end up beyond Israel’s borders. Now the precise delineation of those borders must be negotiated. We’ll be generous about the size of the future Palestinian state. But as President Obama said, the border will be different than the one that existed on June 4th, 1967. Israel will not return to the indefensible boundaries of 1967.”

Netanyahu’s speech drew 29 standing ovations from the bipartisan audience, surpassing the 25 standing ovations President Obama received during his 2011 State of the Union address. While lawmakers applauded, a Jewish peace activist was arrested after rising to protest Netanyahu’s speech. In the West Bank, Palestinian aide Saeb Erekat said Netanyahu’s comments prove he has no interest in real peace.

Saeb Erekat: “Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech proved tonight, with no doubt, that we, as Palestinians, as Arabs, we don’t have a partner for peace in Israel. This was a statement of public relations. This was a statement of someone who wants to dictate the results of negotiations before they begin. He dictated that Jerusalem will be undivided, that refugees cannot return, that his army would remain on the borders, that his settlements will be expanded and kept, that he wants Palestine to be demilitarized. And he wants us to call Israel with another name than the name it’s registered at the U.N.”

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