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Gaddafi Rules Out Talks with Rebels

HeadlineJul 22, 2011

Libyan leader Col. Muammar Gaddafi has ruled out talks with rebels amidst ongoing clashes. In remarks broadcast to a crowd of thousands of supporters, Gaddafi said there will be no negotiations with rebel forces until “Judgment Day.” Gaddafi’s troops are locked in fierce clashes with rebels east of the capital Tripoli, with rebels claiming to have captured a top pro-Gaddafi commander. NATO, meanwhile, is being accused of killing civilians in the city of Zlitan. On Thursday, foreign journalists were shown civilian sites allegedly hit by NATO bombs. A wounded Libyan man said a family of civilians was killed when NATO bombed their home.

Resident: “It was a civilian site. The whole family passed away. They didn’t die after the first air strike but died after the second one. It was a two-story building.”

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