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GOP Candidates Debate in Orlando; Audience Boos Gay Soldier

HeadlineSep 23, 2011

Republican presidential candidates squared off in Orlando, Florida, on Thursday night in their latest televised debate. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney took aim at President Obama, linking him to European “socialist democrats.”

Mitt Romney: “Let me tell you this. What President Obama is is a big-spending liberal, and he takes his political inspiration from Europe and from the socialist democrats in Europe. Guess what? Europe isn’t working in Europe. It’s not going to work here. I believe in America. I believe in the opportunity and in the freedom that is American opportunity and freedom. I believe in free enterprise and capitalism.”

During the debate, audience members booed a gay U.S. soldier who asked a question about this week’s repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Rick Santorum answered the soldier’s question with a vow to reinstate the military’s ban on openly gay servicemembers.

Stephen Hill: “In 2010 when I was deployed to Iraq, I had to lie about who I was, because I’m a gay soldier and I didn’t want to lose my job. Under one of your presidencies, do you intend to circumvent the progress that have been made for gay and lesbian soldiers in the military?”

Rick Santorum: “I would say any type of sexual activity has absolutely no place in the military.”

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