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Obama, Romney Prepare for 2nd Presidential Debate

HeadlineOct 15, 2012

With just over three weeks until the election, President Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney will hold their second debate on Tuesday at New York’s Hofstra University. On Friday, Romney and vice-presidential nominee Paul Ryan addressed supporters in Ohio just hours after Ryan squared off against Vice President Joe Biden.

Mitt Romney: “When it came to jobs, both last night with Vice President Biden and my debate with President Obama, they didn’t have a plan for creating jobs for middle-income Americans. They say they care for middle-income Americans, and I believe they care. They just don’t know what to do, and so they say, well, they’re going to have another stimulus. How did the last one work out, you know?”

Paul Ryan: “What we are witnessing when we turn our TVs on a daily basis is the unraveling of the Obama foreign policy. And when you say it’s OK to impose these devastating cuts in our military or that we don’t need any more Lima-built M1 tanks, what we are doing is we’re projecting weakness. And when we project weakness abroad, our enemies become more brazen, our enemies are more tempting to test us, and our allies are less willing to trust us.”

Meanwhile, Vice President Biden addressed supporters in Wisconsin, where he said the differences between the two campaigns are as stark as any in his lifetime.

Vice President Joe Biden: “Anyone who watched that debate, I don’t think there’s any doubt that Congressman Ryan and I, Governor Romney and the president, we have a fundamentally different vision for America and, quite frankly, a fundamentally different value set. And the fact is that the differences that we have about the future of this country are, quite frankly, profound. They’re as profound as any differences in any presidential campaign that I have observed, that I’ve been involved in.”

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