Hundreds of Pakistanis held a protest Sunday against U.S. drone strikes. Protesters burned an effigy of President Obama. In related news, Pakistan’s foreign minister has publicly warned U.S. drone strikes inside Pakistan are counterproductive and leading to the radicalization of many Pakistanis. Hina Rabbani Khar made the comment in an interview on the TV channel Russia Today.
Hina Rabbani Khar: “In our view, drones are not only completely illegal and unlawful and have no authorization to be used within the domains of international law, but even more importantly, they are counterproductive to your objective of getting this region rid of militancy and terrorism and extremism, because if one strike leads to getting you target number one or target number three today, you are creating five more targets or 10 more targets, in the militancy that it breeds, in the fodder that it gives to the militants to attract more people to join their ranks.”