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Syria Vows to Withdraw Military Units from Towns

HeadlineApr 03, 2012

Syria has pledged to withdraw all military units from towns by April 10 to pave the way for a ceasefire with rebels two days later. Diplomats announced the deal after U.N.-Arab League peace envoy Kofi Annan briefed the U.N. Security Council on the deal behind closed doors. Susan Rice is the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Susan Rice: “Joint special envoy Annan said that in his discussions with the Syrian regime, he emphasized the urgency of the situation and pressed the government to cease troop movements, cease the use of heavy weapons, and pull out of population centers.”

The ceasefire agreement in Syria came just one day after the Obama administration and at least 60 other governments agreed to pay the rebels $100 million in aid. The United States has also pledged to send communications equipment to help the rebel forces. Syrian officials said such actions amounted to a declaration of war. Bashar Jaafari is the Syrian ambassador to the United Nations.

Bashar Jaafari: “Every single act that is not in line with the provisions of Mr. Kofi Annan’s mission is a violation of this mission. So everybody should bear the responsibility, including United States’ claims of supplying communications and other kind of supplies. And for those who said it publicly that they would like to send even money and salaries to these armed groups in Syria, somebody should put them at the confessional seat in the Security Council and ask them why they are doing that. This is not only a violation of the charter, this is not a violation of Mr. Kofi Annan’s mission, this is a violation and a declaration of war against the sovereignty of Syria.”

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