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May Day Protests Held Worldwide; Dozens Arrested in U.S.

HeadlineMay 02, 2012

Labor and immigrant groups were joined by Occupy demonstrators nationwide on Tuesday in May Day rallies for economic injustice and humane immigration reform. In New York City, a long day of separate actions converged in a rally at Union Square and then a march down to Wall Street, where the Occupy movement began last year. At least 40 people were arrested. In Los Angeles, thousands of people gathered for a march that snaked through the downtown streets. In the Bay Area, Occupy demonstrators canceled plans to shut down the Golden Gate Bridge and instead joined picket lines organized by labor groups. The protests turned confrontational in Oakland, with demonstrators vandalizing property and police firing tear gas. In San Francisco, the Occupy movement was blamed for a night of violence in which cars and small businesses were vandalized. And in Seattle, black-clad protesters allegedly used sticks to break downtown windows and ran through the streets disrupting traffic. May Day was also observed with large protests across South America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

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