At the United Nations, international envoy Kofi Annan acknowledged his ceasefire plan has failed and said responsibility first rests with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Kofi Annan: “Today, despite the acceptance of the six-point plan and the deployment of a courageous mission of United Nations observers to Syria, I must be frank and confirm that the plan is not being implemented. Clearly, all parties must cease violence, but equally clearly, the first responsibility lies with the government. Since then, shelling of cities has intensified. Government-backed militia seem to have free reign with appalling consequences.”
Also in his remarks, Annan renewed his warning that Syria may already be in the midst of a catastrophic civil war.
Kofi Annan: “Given the level of violence and the actors on the ground, you could say we are drifting, if we are not already, in a sort of a civil war. All efforts are being made to ensure that if it were to become a full-blown civil war, it doesn’t spread to the neighbors.”