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Kansas Technician Arrested for Airport Bomb Plot

HeadlineDec 16, 2013

A Kansas airport technician was arrested on Friday after trying to carry out an alleged bomb plot. Prosecutors say Terry Loewen used his security access to drive a truck he thought was carrying explosives onto the tarmac of the Mid-Continent Airport in Wichita. But the explosives had been built with undercover FBI agents who ensured they were inert.

U.S. Attorney Barry Grissom: “The criminal complaint which was filed today in U.S. federal district court alleges that Mr. Loewen spent months developing a plan to use his access card to the airport to drive a car loaded with explosives to the terminal. It’s alleged that he planned to pull the trigger on the explosives himself and die in the explosion as a martyr. Agents arrested him at about 5:40 a.m. as he attempted to use his access card to enter the tarmac and to deliver the vehicle loaded with what he believed to be high explosives.”

As in previous cases that have raised questions of entrapment, the FBI agents who posed as Loewen’s accomplices supplied him with the materials he thought were bombs. Loewen is said to have been a Muslim convert who was radicalized by reading jihadist websites. He left a note for his family saying he intended to “cause maximum carnage and death.”

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