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Low-Wage Workers Honor Mandela amid Nationwide Strike

HeadlineDec 06, 2013

Fast-food workers went on strike in more than 100 cities across the country Thursday to demand a living wage, union rights and fair scheduling. The fast-food workers were joined by low-wage workers across other industries, from retail to airlines. A Delta security guard spoke at an action in New York’s Foley Square.

Rose: “Delta makes billions of dollars every single day, but yet cannot afford to pay us more than $8. I am a single mother. I have a four-year-old son I have to pay daycare for. I have rent to pay, food to pay — everything, clothes, you name it, rent, everything. But $8 is not enough. Some of us have to work seven days a week. Some of us have to work sometimes two jobs, three jobs, just to be able to make it. We have no medical benefits. We have no sick days. We have absolutely nothing.”

As they were protesting in New York Thursday evening, workers and their supporters learned of the death of Nelson Mandela.

Speaker 1: “I think in the profound spirit of struggle and beauty that was Nelson Mandela’s life and that is all of your struggle together, we can say, 'Nelson Mandela, presente!'”

Speaker 2: “We thank you Lord for that man that stood for justice in this world, o God, liberating a nation of people that were oppressed, o Father, and you were with him, and you are with him now. We thank you for him.”

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