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Palestinian Killed by Israeli Troops in West Bank

HeadlineMar 13, 2013

Israeli forces have killed another unarmed Palestinian in the occupied West Bank. Twenty-five-year-old Mahmoud Titi was among a group of people fired on by Israeli forces during a raid near the city of Hebron. A witness said the soldiers opened fire after being hit by rocks.

Witness: “Suddenly the soldiers raided the (refugee) camp in three vehicles, and you know how it will be in the camp, so the youths started to throw stones, and the soldiers opened the fire randomly. They fired tear gas grenades and fired at the houses and at everything that was moving in the camp.”

The Palestinian Authority says Titi was the sixth Palestinian killed by the Israeli occupation force in the West Bank this year. Eight other Palestinians were wounded in the attack. President Obama is due to visit the region a week from today.

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