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Palestinians Erect Tent Camp Ahead of Obama Visit

HeadlineMar 21, 2013

President Obama is now in the West Bank for talks with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Ahead of Obama’s visit, a group of Palestinian activists erected a new tent camp aimed at stopping the expansion of West Bank settlements. The camp falls within the E1 settlement zone, which bisects the West Bank and cuts off Palestinians from their own land. Israeli forces dismantled previous encampments earlier this year. Addressing Obama, Palestinian lawmaker Mustafa Barghouthi said the protests will continue until Palestinians win their freedom.

Mustafa Barghouthi: “We are here to rebuild the village that Israel has destroyed on our land. We are here to send a message to President Obama: Our struggle, our nonviolent, peaceful resistance will continue ’til we are free. And it is his duty not to shy away and to see the Palestinian struggle for freedom. It is his duty to see the Israeli apartheid system and the system of segregation that his ancestors suffered from. It is his duty to tell the Israelis enough is enough, and double standard is unacceptable, settlements have to be removed, and Palestinian freedom has to be achieved.”

It’s unclear if Israeli forces will raid the encampment while Obama visits the West Bank or wait until he leaves. One sign at the camp addressed to Obama reads: “You promised hope and change, you gave us colonies and apartheid.”

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