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Greenwald: Venezuela Snowden’s Best Option for Asylum

HeadlineJul 10, 2013

On Tuesday, a Russian lawmaker fueled rumors surrounding Snowden’s next steps after posting a Twitter message saying Snowden had accepted Venezuela’s asylum offer. The tweet was deleted shortly after. On its Twitter feed, the group WikiLeaks said Snowden has not yet accepted asylum in Venezuela and that an announcement will be made “if and when the appropriate time comes.” In an interview shortly after conducting an online chat with Snowden, the journalist who brought his disclosures to the world, Glenn Greenwald, said he thinks Venezuela is Snowden’s best bet.

Glenn Greenwald: “There are news reports today that he has formally accepted the asylum offer from Venezuela. Whether those news reports are accurate or not, I don’t want to comment on, but I think, personally, just speaking for myself, that of the three options that one (Venezuela) seems like the most plausible. Figuring out how to get to the country that has offered him asylum without the rogue or lawless empire that has proven itself willing to engage in rogue behavior to prevent him physically from getting there, being able to stop him, that’s the challenge.”

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