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Texas House Approves Anti-Abortion Bill; Several Protesters Arrested

HeadlineJul 11, 2013

The Texas state House has given final approval to a bill that would ban abortion at 20 weeks post-fertilization, hinder access to the pill form of abortion and shut down nearly all of the state’s abortion clinics. The bill was blocked last month by a people’s filibuster after State Senator Wendy Davis stood and spoke for nearly 11 hours. But Gov. Rick Perry revived it by calling a second special legislative session. The bill now heads back to the Texas state Senate. During the House vote Wednesday, several pro-choice people rose to their feet to voice opposition to the proceedings. State troopers moved in. Five women were reportedly arrested. One of the most vocal opponents of the Texas anti-choice bill this week was Houston resident Sarah Slamen. Video of her testimony before a Texas state Senate committee on Monday went viral after she was interrupted by the committee chair, Republican State Senator Jane Nelson, and then hauled from the chamber by state troopers.

Sarah Slamen: “Thank you for being you, Texas Legislature. You have radicalized hundreds of thousands of us, and no matter what you do for the next 22 days, women and their allies are coming for you. Let’s start down the line. Senator Campbell, you’re an ophthalmologist, so I won’t be making you the expert on reproductive health. We can give you all the children with chlamydia and herpes in their eyes, since we don’t have sex ed in the state. And Senator Hegar? You’re about as helpful [gavel comes down] — You are about as [interrupted] — Excuse me! This is my government, ma’am. I will judge you! And I will speak against an ophthalmologist who says — everyone on the Internet can see what you’re doing right now. This is a farce. The Texas Legislature is a bunch of liars who hate women. These men are paid by all of you to be here, a million dollars during a special session. They think [inaudible] so that they can tell us what to do with the inside of our bodies.”

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