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U.S. Judge Extends Hold on Wisconsin Anti-Abortion Law

HeadlineAug 05, 2013

A federal judge has indefinitely blocked part of a new Wisconsin law requiring abortion providers to obtain admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. The move extends an earlier hold on the measure while a legal challenge proceeds. Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union have filed a lawsuit saying the law would force two out of four abortion facilities in Wisconsin to close. Courts have recently blocked similar laws in other states. Admitting privileges can be impossible for abortion providers to obtain because hospitals may oppose abortion or require doctors to admit a certain number of patients. On Friday, U.S. District Judge William Conley ruled: “Even if there were some evidence that the admitting privileges requirement would actually further women’s health, any benefit is greatly outweighed by the burdens caused by increased travel, decreased access and, at least for some women, the denial of an in-state option for abortion services.”

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