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U.S. Unemployment Rate Drops, But Job Growth Lags

HeadlineJan 13, 2014

The official U.S. unemployment rate has fallen to 6.7 percent, its lowest point since October 2008. But new figures released on Friday show the economy added just 74,000 jobs last month, less than half of what had been expected. In his weekly address, President Obama vowed to focus on creating new manufacturing jobs and renewed his call for Congress to extend benefits for the unemployed.

President Obama: “Congress needs to finish the job right away. More than one million Americans across the country will feel a little hope right away, if they do. Working folks are looking for the kind of stable, secure jobs that went overseas in the past couple of decades. So, next week I’ll join companies and colleges and take action to boost the high-tech manufacturing that attracts the kind of good new jobs a growing middle class requires.”

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