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White House Lobbies Against State Quarantines; Nurse Isolated in New Jersey to Sue

HeadlineOct 27, 2014

The governors of New York and New Jersey are facing federal pressure to reverse new quarantine rules on medical workers returning from West Africa. Under the policy, arriving passengers with a risk of Ebola exposure will be placed in a 21-day quarantine. Illinois has implemented a similar policy. White House officials lobbied New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo over the weekend, saying the rules would discourage workers from joining the Ebola response in West Africa. On Sunday night, Cuomo announced a slight easing of the restrictions, saying the workers can be quarantined at home. At a news conference, Cuomo said he is trying to balance the need to help contain Ebola in West Africa with the protection of New Yorkers.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo: “I understand that some people may believe the 21-day home quarantine is a burden. I would ask for their cooperation and understanding, and remember what we’re trying to balance. We’re trying to balance aid to West Africa and protection and the public health of New Yorkers and addressing the fear and concern of New Yorkers.”

A nurse named Kaci Hickox became the first health worker isolated under the rules after returning to New Jersey from Sierra Leone. Hickox has been placed in an isolated tent inside a Newark hospital despite testing negative for Ebola. She has threatened to fight her 21-day quarantine in court, saying the order violates her constitutional rights.

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