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Alabama Lawmakers OK Anti-Abortion Bills

HeadlineMar 06, 2014

Alabama lawmakers have passed a bill that would ban abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected, which can happen in the earliest stages of pregnancy, around five or six weeks, before many women even know they are pregnant. The bill makes no exception for rape or incest. A similar measure passed in North Dakota has been blocked by a federal judge. The Alabama House also passed three other anti-choice bills on Tuesday: One would extend the waiting period before an abortion from 24 hours to 48 hours; a second would force women who learn their fetuses have lethal conditions and cannot survive outside the womb to wait at least 48 hours and learn about perinatal hospice options, which do not currently exist in Alabama. Another bill would dramatically increases barriers to abortion for minors, whether or not they have parental permission. If a young person seeks legal permission from a judge instead of a parent, her parents participate in the court proceedings, even if they are abusive.

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