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Maryland, Oregon Curb Immigration Holds for Federal Agents

HeadlineApr 21, 2014

Federal immigration policy is coming under increasing resistance at the state and local level. On Friday, Maryland announced it will no longer automatically hold prisoners at the request of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The federal government has used the program Secure Communities to get local police forces to hand over immigrant detainees for potential deportation. The Baltimore City Detention Center says it will now grant those requests only if the detainee has been charged with or convicted of a serious crime. Baltimore’s shift comes after similar moves in Philadelphia and in Oregon. Sheriffs in nine Oregon counties now say they would not comply with federal immigration detainers at all. The decision came after a state judge ruled an immigrant detainee’s rights were violated. She was held for 19 hours after she should have been released so federal agents could take her into custody.

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