Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has arrived in the United States following five years in Taliban captivity. The former prisoner of war landed in San Antonio, Texas, where he is expected to continue undergoing treatment for reintegration into society. The Daily Beast, meanwhile, has obtained letters sent by Bergdahl from captivity which could help explain why he walked away from his unit in 2009. “Clear minded understanding from leadership was lacking if not non-existent,” Bergdahl wrote in a 2013 letter to his family. “The conditions where [sic] bad and looked to be getting worce [sic] for the men that where actuly [sic] the ones risking thier [sic] lives from attack as well as aphgan ellaments [sic]. Please tell d.c. to wiat [sic] for all evadince [sic] to come in,” he wrote.
Letters Reveal Bergdahl’s Complaints About Conditions in Afghanistan
HeadlineJun 13, 2014