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Palestinian Toll Nears 2,000, Including 456 Children

HeadlineAug 11, 2014

The death toll from the Israeli assault on Gaza is approaching 2,000, including at least 456 children. The U.N. says at least 425,000 Palestinians remain displaced — nearly a quarter of the population of Gaza. About 12,000 homes have been destroyed or severely damaged. The U.N. says around half of the population “remains without or with very little running water.” Survivors and residents in Gaza continue to speak out about the Israeli attacks that have killed family members and destroyed homes. One nine-year-old girl in Rafah survived an airstrike that killed 13 family members earlier this month.

Saja Zoughroub: “We were asleep. Some were watching television, and others were asleep. When I woke up, I was in the ambulance, and then they took me to the hospital. That’s what I remember. I stayed in the hospital for four days.”

Also in Rafah, a resident whose home was destroyed in an airstrike this weekend described fleeing just moments before the attack.

Hassan Nahal: “When they said that we have five minutes to leave, we ran away. They attacked two houses; mine and my brother’s house were destroyed. We are residents. We work all our life to make a house, and in one minute they destroy it.”

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