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Brussels Remains Shut Down; 16 Arrested in Raids

HeadlineNov 23, 2015

Belgian authorities have arrested 16 people in a series of overnight raids as residents of the capital Brussels remain locked in their homes. Belgium has imposed the highest threat level for Brussels as officials scour the city for Salah Abdeslam, a main suspect in the deadly attacks in Paris. Residents have been told to stay away from the windows as public transportation, schools and museums have all been shut down. A spokesperson for the Belgian federal prosecutor said Abdeslam was not among those arrested in last night’s raids.

Eric Van Der Sypt: “The federal prosecutions office and the Brussels investigating judge, specialized in terrorist cases, ordered a total of 19 house searches in the Brussels region. Until now, no firearms or explosives were found. Salah Abdeslam is not—not—among the persons arrested during the searches.”

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