In Egypt, the leading investigative journalist and human rights activist Hossam Bahgat has been detained by Egyptian military intelligence. Bahgat’s most recent investigation examined the convictions of 26 military officers accused of plotting to topple the government. Bahgat was interrogated for hours Sunday on charges of publishing false news harmful to national security. Earlier today, officials announced they plan to hold him for four days.
Boghat’s arrest has been widely criticized by human rights and press freedom advocates.
“The arrest of Hossam Bahgat today is yet another nail in the coffin for freedom of expression in Egypt,” said Philip Luther, director of the Middle East and North Africa Program at Amnesty International.
1 of Egypt's most prominent & effective human rights advocates-turned investigative journalist is being interrogated https://t.co/EANKAWWTeg
— Sharif Kouddous (@sharifkouddous) November 8, 2015
Arrest of prominent activit @hossambahgat another blow for freedom of expression in Egypt https://t.co/bA9sG3YTuo pic.twitter.com/t1kzMMlJ61
— amnestypress (@amnestypress) November 8, 2015
If you don't know who @hossambahgat is and his invaluable and tireless work, read this: https://t.co/wMm8rEidaL
— Sharif Kouddous (@sharifkouddous) November 8, 2015
Hossam Bahgat has been a regular guest on Democracy Now!
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