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U.S. Will Let Foreign Allies Purchase Armed Drones

HeadlineFeb 18, 2015

The Obama administration will allow foreign allies to purchase U.S.-made armed drones for the first time. Under a new policy, American firms can sell their drones abroad, but will be subjected to a case-by-case review. Buyers will also have to justify their need for the drones and commit to “proper use” principles. But those standards are classified, so it is unknown if other countries will be able to use drones for extrajudicial killings like the United States does in conflict zones abroad. The Washington Post reports the policy partially comes out of U.S. military corporations intent to tap into the $6 billion global arms market. Speaking to the website Common Dreams, William Hartung of the Center for International Policy called the drone exports “one of [the Obama administration’s] worst policy decisions,” adding: “Regardless of what guidelines are established for their use, history tells us that once the United States transfers a weapon to another nation it is extremely difficult to control how it is used. The U.S. should be reining in its own drone strikes, not making it easier for other nations to use them.”

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