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3 Democratic Lawmakers to Skip Netanyahu Speech

HeadlineFeb 06, 2015

Three Democratic lawmakers have announced they will skip Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming speech to Congress on Iran. Congressmembers John Lewis, G.K. Butterfield and Earl Blumenauer say they oppose Netanyahu’s visit at a time when Washington seeks a nuclear deal with Iran. The trip has caused a major rift with the White House. On Thursday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said she hopes the address is canceled, but dismissed talk of a boycott.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi: “I’m seriously considering going. I mean, I am — as I said, as of now, it is my intention to go. It’s still my hope that the event will not take place. There’s a serious unease. But don’t even think in terms of the word boycott. Members will go, or they won’t go, as they usually go or don’t go.”

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