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Lone Mississippi Abortion Clinic Vandalized Overnight

HeadlineMar 25, 2015

In the United States, the only abortion clinic left in Mississippi has been attacked by a vandal. On Monday, staff arrived at the Jackson Women’s Health Organization to find their outdoor security cameras destroyed and their electric generator seriously damaged. Surveillance video appeared to show a masked intruder carrying a long-handled tool. The clinic is nicknamed “the Pink House,” since it was painted bright pink as a symbol of defiance against repeated Republican efforts to shut it down. It has recently been targeted by the extreme anti-choice groups Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust and Operation Save America. In an online statement, the clinic wrote, “the goal of the anti-abortion terrorists is to transform a legal, safe, and common medical procedure into a fearful, and traumatic experience for everyone involved. But we will always do whatever it takes to make sure our doors open every single Monday morning.”

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