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Palestine Withdraws Bid to Suspend Israel from FIFA

HeadlineJun 01, 2015

Friday’s session also saw Palestinian delegates withdraw a bid to suspend Israel over its restrictions on the movement of Palestinian soccer players in the Occupied Territories. Palestinian football chief Jibril Rajoub announced his decision.

Jibril Rajoub: “I am here to find a solution for a painful issue so close to the hearts of all defenders of football ethics and values, rather than to score goals even against those who are responsible for my football family suffering. I decided to drop the suspension, but it does not mean that I give up the resistance according to the statutes of FIFA.”

The FIFA Congress instead approved a measure establishing a new committee representing both sides to resolve disputes. In the Palestinian city of Ramallah, Zeid Shueidi of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement criticized the outcome.

Zeid Shueidi :”The Palestinian BDS National Committee is disappointed that the entire FIFA Congress, including the Palestinian Football Association, have not lived up to their obligation and stated principles. FIFA and its membership have delayed the suspension of Israel, but they cannot delay the growth of the international boycott of Israel or prevent the continued isolation of Israel.”

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