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Aid Workers: Syrian Regime Attacking Civilians with Chlorine

HeadlineJun 19, 2015

Aid and medical workers say the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad continues to use weaponized chlorine to attack civilians. Testifying before a House panel, Dr. Annie Sparrow of the Human Rights Program urged the imposition of a no-fly zone in Syria.

Dr. Annie Sparrow: “Creating a no-bomb zone would stop the most important tools that have been used to slaughter and terrorize Syrian civilians, especially the children, who are the most vulnerable, as you’ve seen, to these toxic gases and whose small bodies are literally ripped apart by the hideous shrapnel filled in these explosive barrel bombs. I’m a doctor, and I’m very familiar with death, but I have never seen a more obscene way to kill children. I have never watched so many suffer in such an obscene manner.”

The allegations of chlorine use come as the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons has reported progress in its effort to rid the world of the Syrian regime’s chemical weapons. The organization says just 16 tons of the 1,300-ton Syrian stockpile remain to be destroyed.

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